St Paul’s Church has exerted a presence and influence for the Kingdom of God in Findlay, Ohio, since 1870. The congregation was a mission effort of the Ohio Evangelical Association of North America. The denomination appointed Rev. E.B. Crouse to the “class” in Findlay and in three other nearby areas. Jacob Albright, a tile-maker, began this in Pennsylvania, when he had been soundly converted in a camp meeting and felt called to bring spiritual awakening to German-speaking Americans like himself.
The Evangelical “class” in Findlay grew quickly and erected a small brick building on East Sandusky Street in October of 1870. Revival meetings were popular in many churches at the time and St. Paul’s had such meetings every winter which were sometimes called “protracted meetings,” because they had no announced ending date. One such meeting in 1895 lasted for 12 weeks! So many people attended these meetings that the fire department feared fire and told church leaders to print tickets and only permit 125 people in the church at a time!
The church sponsored summer picnics and trips to Camp Linwood on Lake Erie. In a time before automobiles, the transportation to these events was arranged by the church. St. Paul’s had Sunday School classes and women’s groups and a Young People’s Association. A young woman named Georgia Weist who grew up in the church became a missionary to China in the early 1900’s.
The first St. Paul’s church building was proving to be too small, and a larger church was built on the same space on East Sandusky Street. The new building was completed in 1912 and contained beautiful woodwork and stained glass windows. In 1913, one year after the church was completed, the Blanchard River in Findlay flooded and caused damage to the basement area of St. Paul’s Church. Over the years there would be more floods in the building until many sump pumps were installed that could move the water out as it came in.
In 1946 the Evangelical denomination and the United Brethren denomination joined to form the Evangelical United Brethren (E.U.B.). A layman from St. Paul’s Church, Elliot George, was sent as a delegate to the uniting events held in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
In 1953 an addition to the church was built to the east providing additional classroom space. The congregation paid off the debt for the addition in 1961. In the 1960’s a popular pastor, Franklin Cody, was responsible for many new members joining the church.
In 1986 St. Paul’s welcomed Joe Pilate as its shepherd, and thus became the first congregation in Findlay to have an African-American pastor. During his pastorate the congregation bought the Glessner home and factory located to the east of the church. The home was eventually torn down and the factory connected to the main church building. Boy Scout troop #321 met in the converted factory for many years. A new parking lot was paved to the east of the church building.
In 1991 Greg Creech became St. Paul’s new senior pastor. His winsome personality and fine sermons attracted many new people to the church. During his pastorate a new entrance on the east side of the building was built which included an elevator that reached all three floors as well as the basement. In the 90’s St. Paul’s Church joined other area churches to offer a free community dinner and was assigned the fourth Sunday of every month. That outreach has continued without interruption to the present time. During those years St. Paul helped to start a new United Methodist Church called Journey Church, located on the north part of Findlay.
In 2023, St. Paul’s Church voted to disaffliate from the United Methodist Church because of theological differences with the denomination. At present, the church is operating as an independent, non-denominational church until a final decision will be made in Spring of 2024 on whether or not to join the Global Methodist Church. At this time, Pastor Scott Fleming and Pastor Matthew Burden are providing pastoral leadership to grow the church and reach Findlay for Jesus.
In 2024, St. Paul’s Church voted to join the Global Methodist Church effective July 1, based on congregational approval.