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We believe that nothing is more important than our relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. A key goal for each of us is to learn who we are by knowing whose we are. Do you know WHO you are? Learn and grow with us in one of our Sunday School classes for all ages, Bible Studies, Home Study Groups or in an Independent Study.

Sunday School: Prime Time, Prime time Plus, Youth, Kids

Sunday’s @ 9:15am

  • PRIME TIME: A Sunday School class for adults and retirees.
  • PRIME TIME PLUS: “We are an adult Sunday School class that meets in room A20. Two or three members of the class alternate in leading the
    lessons. Most of the time our lessons start with a video on a chosen subject and then we discuss the topic. We are friends who support one another
    through life challenges.” Contact Miriam Vance
  • YOUTH: Join the Junior High and High School students in the youth room for a great time of fellowship, a Bible lesson, and time in God’s presence together. The lessons are generally taken from the weekly sermon. Contact Deanna Kiesel
  • KIDS:  Any child from elementary age on down are welcome! We start off in the Welcome Center for songs, and then split the little ones and the older kids for a Bible lesson and games. Contact Ellen Mohr

Bible Study:

Wednesday’s @ 10:00am (Fall and Winter only)

  • Join us for an in-depth study on a book of the Bible, or a topical book that takes us on a focused study from the Bible.

Men’s Bible Study:

Wednesday’s @ 6:00pm

  • Join us for an in-depth study on a book of the whole Bible.

Foundations (Starting Fall 2024):

Sunday’s @ 9:15am

  • Starting soon we will have classes that take place during Sunday School for
    members or those seeking to become members. These classes will focus on
    the core tenets of Christianity and what it means to be part of our church.